Top 5 Social Media Apps in 2021

The conception of social media extremely began back within the late 90s with the increase of six degrees the primary social media platform or web site then Friendster and Myspace, none of these square measures around these days however within the last fifteen years, social media has extremely embarked on and dominated the net.

In this article, we want to show you the top 5 social media platforms. 

1. Discord

Discord has over 100 million monthly active users. Discord started back in 2015 as a bunch chat platform extremely dedicated to diversion therefore plenty of gamers would maintain discord and build a bunch for themselves to talk a couple of specific games. 

Discord to this day is very popular among gamers but in the last few years and especially in 2022 it really took off as social media platforms and now is well beyond gaming and basically how discord works are discord is made up of what's called servers. Imagine each server being a group about a specific topic so a game could have its own server a different group about a different interest could have its own server. Imagine those as communities or teams currently anyone individual might be within a server or several servers.

There are two types there are Private servers in which we could go create a server on discord that's on my own private group I would invite my friends, we could chat, share videos, send messages, live stream our games or our screen. And there are public servers like imagining a big game or a big community has their own public servers where me again as an individual or really anybody could join that server and contribute to the conservation.

The method this becomes a social media platform. you may download discord on a mobile app on humanoid and ios and you may use it on

2. Twitter

Twitter has over 330 million active users. Twitter is one every of the oldest within the cluster and it started back in 2006. 
 In this app, you could share your thoughts but you had a character limit on how many words or characters you could use which was 140 characters. So, you will be able to share your thoughts in a fast manner, and that was really what made twitter stand out in the world of social media back in 2006.
Twitter now has more up to 280 characters and you could share multiple tweets at the same time. Your little thoughts that you are sharing are called tweets.  You can share photos, videos links to websites.
In 2020, Twitter has one of its biggest updates ever with one thing called Twitter fleet and that is a way to share photos or videos on Twitter that disappeared after 24 hours. On different platforms, we tend to know as for them stories however on Twitter, they're known as fleets and that is an extremely great way to share posts that we do not need to share for good. 

Besides, by sharing your tweets or thoughts on Twitter, you'll be able to conjointly follow somebody as a result of everybody having their own Twitter profile. you'll be able to prolong different profiles and may text them and can also do comments on their tweets.
You can conjointly share someone's tweet on your own profile and that is known as a retweet.
You can download Twitter on the mobile and also can use it on

3. Snapchat

Snapchat has over 350 million active users. It started back in 2011 as a conservation platform. The one unique thing this app had that at that time no other platform had, that the message you send to your friend is disappeared after they look at just one time.  Snapchat also had very practical filters so you will be able to use a camera to record yourself or take a picture, add filters, add mustache for yourself at had a lot of other cool things ever turn yourself into an old man or a baby.

So, that was all features of Snapchat. Snapchat later became a full-blown social media platform where you could create your own profile and can make streaks, snaps and can follow your friends.
Snapchat Streaks means that if you send a snap to your friend daily would keep a streak and really kept people busy on Snapchat.
In 2020, Snapchat introduced spotlight which is another platform on Snapchat for sharing short videos of 15 seconds that had a vertical format. Snapchat is a publicly-traded company in the US.
You can download Snapchat on mobile and also can use it on

4. Pinterest

Pinterest has over 440 million monthly active users. This platform started back around the 2010. Pinterest is almost a digital scrapbook. You could create your own profile on Pinterest what's called a board for yourself, it's almost like a folder on our computer and inside of the board, you can put the items in there called pins. You can pin things to your board and you can make a board of pictures in which you have an interest.

Pinterest is made of a lot of different pins and boards and you can find anything in which you have an interest. 
So, for starting Pinterest you will make an account and make boards and pins on them. You can pin anything like photos, videos, and animations, etc. 
You can download Pinterest on an android mobile phone or can use it on

5. Instagram

Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users. Instagram was started around 2010 as a filtering camera app but it has grown into another one of the biggest and most used social media platforms.
Facebooks buy Instagram in 2012 for over a billion dollars. After purchasing Instagram, Facebook develops a lot of features and updates Instagram.

Instagram was started as a filtering app but nowadays it is also known as a photosharing app. It has really much grown in the last 10 years. Now you can go live on Instagram and be able to share long format videos, short-format videos, photos, and Instagram rolls off new features all the time. You can also share photos or videos temporarily on Instagram which is known as stories.

You can download Instagram app on the mobile and also can use it on

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